
The Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League Ltd. is the trade association of the co-operative movement which supports the development of co-operatives, advocates for an enabling environment, defends the interests of co-operatives and contributes to building the profile of the movement in the eyes of the wider Barbadian community and beyond.
The League focuses on offering relevant training solutions and member education programmes. Hence, The League’s regular training programme – CU@Training provides staff and volunteers with access to courses which will assist with the Institutional strengthening/development of co-operatives. Another element of the programme is to provide general members of Co-operatives with access to information that will enhance their social and financial well-being.
Based on the feedback received from our formal and informal needs assessments, the League has formulated this co-operative Education programme to ensure that we meet our stated objectives. We invite you to review this booklet and look forward to having you register the relevant persons to attend the sessions.
Eligibility Criteria

Our regular training programmes are open to employees, committee members and individual members of co-operatives that are members of the League and annually contribute 3% of their profits to our Education Fund. Participants must be able to speak and write English clearly. Note that for all courses, except for those listed in General Member Presentations, preference will be given to employees and credit union officials. Kindly review each course for course specific entry requirements.

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