

Scholarship Application Form

Size: 866.28 KB
Hits: 290
Date added: 21-10-2019
Date modified: 21-09-2023


  • $500.00
  • Male Student
  • Secondary School Entrance Exam

Charles Richard Rochester has been an employee of one of the Goddard Group of Companies, Hanschell Inniss Ltd, for over 30 years.  He became a member of the Credit Union on 23RD April of 1990.  He actively served the CU over the years on the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee.  As Charles has built a legacy within the Credit Union, one that has a positive lasting impact within his family:  his son Carlos now serves in many capacities throughout the Credit Union.

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited will  provide one (1) Scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a male student who successfully completes the Barbados Secondary School Entrance Examination.

To Qualify:

  • Member must be in the age range of 10 – 11 years.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting the Barbados Secondary School Entrance Exam
  • Must have at least $150.00 on account as at May 31ST in the same year
  • Must provide a copy of the grade slip and school allocation


  • $500.00
  • Female Student
  • Secondary School Entrance Exam

Joycelyn has been a member for over 30 years having joined on 20TH October 1983.  She has actively served the United Enterprise over the years on the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee.  She also worked on the Board of Directors for Barbados’ Co-operative Credit Union League Limited, and their Credit Committee over the years.  During her tenure on the Supervisory Committee, she was diligent in her attention to the Credit Union’s business.  In her role as one of the few female Presidents in United Enterprise’s history, she also paid close attention to the Credit Union’s financial health.

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited will  provide one (1) Scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a female student who successfully completes the Barbados Secondary School Entrance Examination.

To Qualify:

  • Member must be in the age range of 10 – 11 years.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting the Barbados Secondary School Entrance Exam
  • Must have at least $150.00 on account as at May 31ST in the same year
  • Must provide a copy of the grade slip and school allocation


  • $500.00
  • Male Student
  • CXC Exams

Drayton J. Carter is the owner of a small professional firm: Drayton J. Carter & Co., Chartered Accountants which provides professional accounting, management and taxation services.  In addition to serving this CU, he served as a volunteer at another City of Bridgetown Credit Union.  For many years, he held positions on the Board of Directors as Vice President, Treasurer; and President (1991 -1992; 1999 -2001).  In 1999 he was appointed the Receiver-Manager of United Enterprise Credit Union Ltd.  His drive and knowledge have significantly contributed to the continual growth of the CU over two decades.

In his time at United, Drayton demonstrated a commitment to the CU, its principles, and its role in improving the lives of its members and believes strongly that the CU must place emphasis in developing its young leaders while promoting a greater level of female participation within its Committees.

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited will provide one (1) Scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a male student who successfully completes the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Examinations.

To Qualify

  • Member must be in the age range of 15-18 years.
  • Must have gained Grade 1 or Grade 2 passes at CXC in at least five (5) subjects in one sitting.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting.
  • Must have at least $200.00 on account as at July 31st.


  • $500.00
  • Female Student
  • CXC Exams


Bernetta is an experienced insurance professional with Family, Life Management Institute (FLMI) designation at Sagicor General Insurance.  She also has direct experience with the Group Life & Health insurance product, and Individual Life insurance.  From her University studies, she can provide Spanish translation, managing and tutoring services.  Bernetta shows interests in marketing, event planning and  children. Bernetta is currently the Assistant Secretary on the Board of Directors, and to this day, her attention to detail and preciseness have significantly impacted the Credit Union.  These qualities were first seen when she started as the Secretary on the Supervisory Committee in 2005.  She later held positions on the Board of Directors as a Director, Treasurer and President (2009 – 2010, 2010 – 2011, 2013-2016)

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited provides a one (1) time Scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to a female student who successfully completes the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Examinations.

To Qualify

  • Member must be in the age range of 15-18 years.
  • Must have gained Grade 1 or Grade 2 passes at CXC in at least five (5) subjects in one sitting.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting.
  • Must have at least $200.00 on account as at July 31st.


  • $1,000.00
  • Male Student
  • Tertiary Education

Leon Greenidge, the godfather and founder of the Credit Union, registered the CU on 6TH October 1976.  He was the first president in the same year of initiation, and his relentless work ethic has insured the longevity of this facility.  He was also influential in other Credit Unions and organisations throughout his working career.  He was the founder of Family Co-operative Credit Union, as well as the president of Barbados Transport Co-op Society Ltd which has been in existence for over 40 years.

As mentioned, Mr. Greenidge played a vital role in the movement of United Enterprise: it was through him that the Credit Union purchased their first lot of land in the early 1980s, which he then had converted into 11 lots.  United Enterprise catered only to Purity Bakeries members, but Mr. Greenidge envisioned eventuall expanding the membership clientele to the Goddard Group of Companies.

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited provides a one (1) time Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to a male student enrolled at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus. Recipients can be enrolled in any discipline of their choice.

To Qualify:

  • Must have gained Grade 1 or Grade 2 passes at CXC in at least five (5) subjects in one sitting.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting.
  • Must have at least $300.00 on account as at July 31st.
  • Must provide proof of acceptance to the UWI.


  • $1,000.00
  • Female Student
  • Tertiary Education

Joined: 5TH March 1982

A true stalwart in the Credit, Joan Waithe is in her 38TH year at United Enterprise.  Joan has  played and still plays a vital role in the development of the Credit Union.  As the sole employee in the CU’s early years, she played many different roles; among them a clerk and financial officer to name a few.  This dedication and hard work were rewarded in March of 2000 when she was promoted to Officer Manager, and she still holds this title with honour.

United Enterprise Credit Union Limited will provide a one (1) time Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to a female student enrolled at the University of the West Indies.  The recipient can be enrolled in their discipline of choice.

To Qualify:

  • Must have gained Grade 1 or Grade 2 passes at CXC in at least five (5) subjects in one sitting.
  • Must have been a member for at least 2 years prior to sitting.
  • Must have at least $300.00 on account as at July 31st.
  • Must provide proof of acceptance to the UWI.

Scholarship Application Form

Size: 866.28 KB
Hits: 290
Date added: 21-10-2019
Date modified: 21-09-2023